Dərslər həftədə 2 dəfə,hər dərs 2 saat olmaqla tədris olunur. Kursu bitirən şəxslər sertifikatla təmin olunur.
Java SE - Standard Edition
Introduction Java
2. Reading from keyboard with Scanner and Java Comments
3. Data Types, Variables, Literals
4. Operators and Expressions
5. Control Flow and Decision Statements
6. Loops and Jump Statements
7. String class, Random class and Printing
8. String class Methods
9. Revision and interview questions
10. Arrays
11. Methods
12. Architecture JVM and main method
13. Object Oriented Programing(Class, Object, state of
the object, static, initializer block)
14. Object Oriented Programming(Encapsulation,
Getter$Setter, JavaBean, Composition, Inheritance, Constructors and super(),
Supper and hiding, overriding)
15. Final keyword and Packages
16. Object Oriented Programmin(Upcasting, Polymorphism,
17. Object Oriented Programmin(Abstract class and
18. İnner Classes
19. Revision and interview questions
20. Exception Handling
21. Multi Threading
22. Java.lang package(Object class, Wrapper classes, StringBuffer,
StringBuilder, Math, Enum)
23. Annotations and JavaDoc
24. Java IO Streams
25. Date And Time API
26. Lambda Expressions
27. Java Generic
28. Collection Framework part 1
29. Collection Framework part 2
30. Stream API
31. Review of past lessons and interview questions
32. Introduction to Java Enterprise Edition
Lesson Titles
33. Introduction to Spring(What is Spring, History of
Spring, What is Dependecy, Environment setup and Spring modules, Spring core,
IoC-Inversion of Control, DI-Dependency Injection).
34. Continue to
review IoC and DI(Bean Scope, Init and Destroy methods, Configuration with Annotations,
Annotation @Aoutowired, Annotations @Qualifier and @Value, Annotations @Scope,
@PostConstruct and @PreDestroy, Configuration using Java code, Annotation
35. Aspect Oriented Programming Part1(Aop introduction,
Advice types and type @Before, Advice and pointcut, Pointcut expression,
Declaring a pointcut, Combining pointcuts)
36. Aspect Oriented Programming Part2(Aspect ordering,
Join point, Advice type @AfterReturning,
Advice type @AfterThrowing, Advice type @After, Advice type @Around)
37. Datebase(What is data, What is database, Downloading
MySql, What is SQL, JDBC driver)
38. Hibernate Basics Part1(Introduction to Hibernate,
Connecting a Java application to a DB, Creating relationship between class and
table, SessionFactory and Session, Save Java objects to the DB, Primary key,
Get Java objects from DB, Update Java objects from DB, Delete Java objects from
39. Hibernate Basics Part2(Relationship between tables,
One-to-One relationship, One-to-Many relationship, Loading types, Many-to-Many relationship)
40. Spring MVC Part1(Introduction to Spring MVC, Spring
MVC application configuration, The first Spring MVC Application, Using data in
View, Model Component, Annotation @RequestParam)
41. Spring MVC Part2(Spring MVC form Input, Spring MVC
form Select, Spring MVC form Radiobutton, Spring MVC form Checkbox, Data
Validation: @Size @NotEmpty @NotBlank, Data Validation: @Min @Max @Pattern,
Data validation: Creating your own annotation)
42. Spring MVC + Hibernate + AOP Part1(Spring MVC +
Hibernate Application Configuration, Displaying a list of Employees, Annotation
43. Spring MVC + Hibernate + AOP Part2(Adding a new
Employee, Update an existing Employee, Deleting an Employee, Adding AOP
Functionality to the project)
44. Spring Rest Part1(Introduction to Rest API,
Introduction to JSON, HTTP methods GET AND POS, Rest API standarts, Application
Configuration, Getttingg a list of all employees)
45. Spring Rest Part2(Get an Employee by ID, Exception
Handling, Add a new Employee, Update an existing Employee, Write a Rest Client)
46. Spring Security(Introduction to Spring Security, Application
Configuration, Authentication procedure, Authorization procedure, Storing the
password in the database in an decrypted format, Storing the password in the
database in an encrypted format)
47. Spring Boot Part1(Introduction to Spring Boot, Creating
a Spring Boot Application, Creation of REST API. Part 1, Creation of REST API.
Part 2)
48. Spring Boot Part2(Using JPA in a REST API project, JpaRepository
interface, Spring Data REST, Introduction to Spring Boot Actuator)
49. Finally Project Part1
50. Finally Project Part2
51. Finally Project Part3
52. Finally Project Part4
53. Finally Project Part5
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