Dərslər həftədə 2 dəfə , hər dərs 2 saat olmaqla tədris olunur. Kursu bitirən şəxslər sertifikatla təmin olunur və işlə təmin olunmaqda dəstək göstərilir.
DevOps Course Syllabus
1. Linux Fundamentals for DevOps
• Linux basics and file system
• User management and permissions
• Process and service management
• Networking basics (IP, DNS, SSH, Firewall)
• Shell scripting for automation
2. Git
• Git basics (commit, branch, merge)
• Working with remote repositories (GitHub/GitLab)
• Git workflow and best practices
3. Docker
• Introduction to containers and Docker
• Building and managing Docker images
• Docker Compose for multi-container applications
• Networking and storage in Docker
• Deploying containers to a registry
4. Ansible
• Ansible installation and basic commands
• Playbooks and roles
• Inventory management
• Automating server configurations
5. Kubernetes (Complete)
• Kubernetes Architecture (Master & Worker nodes)
• Workloads & Objects: Pods, Deployments, ReplicaSets
• Networking: Cluster networking, Service discovery, Ingress, Network Policies
• Storage: Persistent Volumes (PV), Persistent Volume Claims (PVC), Storage Classes
• Scaling & High Availability: HPA, VPA, Cluster Autoscaler
• Security: RBAC, Service Accounts, Network Policies, Secrets
• Monitoring & Logging: Prometheus, Grafana, ELK Stack
6. CI/CD with GitLab
• GitLab CI/CD basics (.gitlab-ci.yml, Jobs, Stages, Pipelines)
• Artifacts and caching
• GitLab Runners (Shell, Docker, Kubernetes executors)
• CI/CD pipeline for Kubernetes
• Helm and Kustomize in GitLab CI/CD
7. ArgoCD
• GitOps concepts and best practices
• ArgoCD installation and setup
• Managing Kubernetes deployments with GitOps
• Helm & Kustomize integration
8. ELK Stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana)
• Log collection and analysis
• Centralized logging for Kubernetes
9. Grafana & Prometheus
• Metrics collection with Prometheus
• Alerting and visualization with Grafana
• Kubernetes monitoring best practices
10. HashiCorp Vault
• Secrets management fundamentals
• Vault authentication and policies
• Kubernetes integration with Vault
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