
Dərslər həftədə 2 dəfə , hər dərs 2 saat olmaqla tədris olunur. Kursu bitirən şəxslər sertifikatla təmin olunur və işlə təmin olunmaqda dəstək göstərilir.

Kurs Haqqında

Introduction to DevOps

·         Monolithic architecture and Microservice architecture info

·         Introduction to SDLC

·         Introduction to DevOps & CI/CD (gitlab ci)

·         Code version controlling systems

·         Introduction to Container Orchestration

·         Introduction to cloud engineering

·         Introduction to database (key value, relation) LAB: Git Overview and Installing Git

LAB: Git File Management, git remote & git local

LAB: Core git concepts, branch, merge, rebase, cherry pick, stash, pull, push, tags LAB: Advanced GIT concepts, git hooks

LAB: Git branching best practices, GitFlow with SDLC




·          Benefits of Containers

·          Docker Overview

·          Images & Containers

·          Docker volumes

·          Docker network

·          Docker File

·          Entrypoint, CMD & RUN

·          Docker best practices

·          Docker Compose

LAB: Running Petclinic microservices in local with Docker Compose




·         CI/CD tools, Gitlab, etc.

·         Gitlab CI overview

·         Deep dive on the LMS CI/CD implementation

·         Gitlab runners

·         Docker in Docker

·         Automate the whole SDLC process E2E

LAB: Create a fully functional CI and CD pipeline for Petclinic Microservices in Gitlab


Configuration Management via Ansible

·         Control node

·         Managed nodes

·         Inventory

·         Playbooks

·         Plays

·         Roles

·         Tasks

LAB: Introduction to Ansible Automation



Microservices with Kubernetes

·         Kubernetes Foundation (architecture, components, communication flow)

·         Resource quota for Namespaces.

·         Tricks and Tips with command

·         Labels Selectors

·         Kubernetes

·         Deployments, Services, Replicas

·         K8S Templates

·         Minikube

LAB: Provision Kubernetes via Ansible LAB: Minikube


Kubernetes Networking

·         Network Overview

·         Pod to Pod, Container to Container communication

·         Kubernetes Services

·         Ingress

·         External Traffic into Kubernetes LAB: Expose Microservices through Ingress


Limits & Configurations

·         Config Maps

·         Secrets

·         Mount ConfigMap and Secret

·         Kubernetes Probes(Liveness and readiness checks)

·         Resource limits

LAB: Multiple labs on AWS (EKS) and on premises K8S



Managing the cluster

·         Taint and Toleration

·         Node Affinity

·         Node Selector

·         Metric Server

·         Applications Logs

·         Command and Arguments

·         Init Containers

·         OS Upgrade

·         Upgrade Cluster

·         Backup and Restore methods.

·         Kubernetes SSL certification.

·         Istio Service Mesh

LAB: Rolling updates and Roll back in deployments



Managing Roles & State

·         Role and Role Bindings

·         Cluster Role and Cluster Role bindings

·         Empty Dir, Host Path

·         Storage Types

·         Persistent volume and Persistent Volume Claims

·         Glusterfs, GP2 etc

·         Fluentd/Fluentbit

·         Cron Jobs

·         Stateful Sets

·         RBAC

·         Database configuration for microservices LAB: Persisting data for Petclinic microservices Image Repository

·         Nexus, Harboor


Helm Templating

·         Helm Overview

·         Using Helm Charts

·         Custom Helm Charts

·         Advanced Helm Templating operations

·         How to effectively use helm and k8s namespaces to support multiple envs (Stage/Dev). LAB: Packaging and deploying microservices on Kubernetes with helm chats

LAB: Use helm sub charts



·         ArgoCD


Cloud (Amazon Cloud Practitoner Exam Level)

·         Cloud Foundation

·         Introduction to Cloud

·         Core cloud concepts

·         EC2, IAM, VPC, EKS, ECR, ALB, NLB, CLB, RDS, Aurora, Cloudwatch etc.

·         Networking in the cloud

·         Security and access control in cloud

LAB: Create cloud components and deploy microservices, using deployment strategies



Infrastructure as Code

·         What is infrastructure as code?

·         Terraform fundamentals.

·         Create cloud components with terraform.

·         Terraform local state and remote state concepts.

·         Terraform modules and best practices

LAB: Provision fully infrastructure with code using best practices

ELK Stack

·         Introduction to elastic stack

·         Collecting microservice logs in EFK

LAB: Create dashboard and monitor the microservices



Prometheus and Grafana

·         Introduction to Prometheus

·         Setup & Configure

·         Prometheus Ǫuery Language

·         Monitoring

·         Metrics & alerts

LAB: Create dashboard in Grafana and monitor the microservices

LAB: Create Health check for Java application health check. Using actuator for micro service

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  • Ramin Məmmədov


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