Dərslər həftədə 2 dəfə , hər dərs 2 saat olmaqla tədris olunur. Kursu bitirən şəxslər sertifikatla təmin olunur və işlə təmin olunmaqda dəstək göstərilir.
Monolithic architecture and Microservice architecture info
Introduction to SDLC
Introduction to DevOps & CI/CD (gitlab
Code version controlling systems
Introduction to Container Orchestration
Introduction to cloud
Introduction to database (key value, relation)
LAB: Git Overview and Installing Git
LAB: Git File Management, git remote & git local
LAB: Core git concepts,
branch, merge, rebase, cherry pick, stash, pull, push, tags
LAB: Advanced GIT concepts, git hooks
LAB: Git branching
best practices, GitFlow with
Benefits of Containers
Docker Overview
Images & Containers
Docker volumes
Docker network
Docker File
Entrypoint, CMD & RUN
Docker best practices
Docker Compose
LAB: Running
Petclinic microservices in local with Docker Compose
CI/CD tools, Gitlab,
Gitlab CI overview
Deep dive on the LMS CI/CD
Gitlab runners
Docker in Docker
Automate the whole SDLC
process E2E
LAB: Create
a fully functional CI and CD pipeline
for Petclinic Microservices in Gitlab
LAB: Introduction to Ansible Automation
Kubernetes Foundation (architecture, components, communication flow)
Resource quota for Namespaces.
Tricks and Tips with command
Labels Selectors
Deployments, Services, Replicas
K8S Templates
LAB: Provision
Kubernetes via Ansible LAB: Minikube
Network Overview
Pod to Pod, Container to Container communication
Kubernetes Services
External Traffic
into Kubernetes LAB: Expose Microservices through Ingress
Config Maps
Mount ConfigMap and
Kubernetes Probes(Liveness and readiness checks)
Resource limits
LAB: Multiple
labs on AWS (EKS) and on premises K8S
Taint and Toleration
Node Affinity
Node Selector
Metric Server
Applications Logs
Command and
Init Containers
OS Upgrade
Upgrade Cluster
Backup and Restore methods.
Kubernetes SSL certification.
Istio Service Mesh
LAB: Rolling
updates and Roll
back in deployments
Role and
Role Bindings
Cluster Role and Cluster
Role bindings
Empty Dir, Host Path
Storage Types
Persistent volume and Persistent Volume
Glusterfs, GP2 etc
Cron Jobs
Stateful Sets
Database configuration for microservices LAB: Persisting data for Petclinic
microservices Image Repository
Nexus, Harboor
Helm Overview
Using Helm Charts
Custom Helm Charts
Advanced Helm Templating operations
How to effectively use helm and k8s namespaces to support multiple envs (Stage/Dev). LAB: Packaging and deploying microservices on Kubernetes with helm chats
LAB: Use helm sub charts
Cloud Foundation
Introduction to Cloud
Core cloud concepts
EC2, IAM, VPC, EKS, ECR, ALB, NLB, CLB, RDS, Aurora, Cloudwatch etc.
Networking in the cloud
Security and access control in cloud
LAB: Create
cloud components and deploy microservices, using deployment strategies
What is infrastructure as code?
Terraform fundamentals.
Create cloud components with terraform.
Terraform local state and remote state concepts.
Terraform modules and best practices
LAB: Provision
fully infrastructure with code using best practices
Introduction to elastic stack
Collecting microservice logs in EFK
LAB: Create
dashboard and
monitor the microservices
Introduction to Prometheus
Setup & Configure
Prometheus Ǫuery Language
Metrics &
LAB: Create
dashboard in Grafana and
monitor the microservices
LAB: Create
Health check for Java application health
check. Using actuator for micro service
Təcrübəli müəllimlərimizlə tanış olun!
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