Game Development

Dərslər həftədə 2 dəfə,hər dərs 2 saat olmaqla tədris olunur. Kursu bitirən şəxslər sertifikatla təmin olunur.

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Step 1: İntro video

Step 2: Download Unity

Unit 1 - Player Movement (Driving Simulator Prototype)

Lesson 1.1 Start your 3D Engines 

Step 1: Make a course folder and new project 

Step 2: Import assets and open Prototype 1 

Step 3: Add our vehicle to the scene 

Step 4: Add an obstacle and reposition it 

Step 5: Locate our camera and run the game 

Step 6: Move the camera behind the vehicle 

Step 7: Customize the interface la]out

Lesson 1.2 Pedal to the Metal

Step 1: Create and apply our 1rst script 

Step 2: Add a comment in the Update() method 

Step 3: Give the vehicle a forward motion 

Step 4: Use a Vector3 to move forward Step 

5: Customize the vehicles speed 

Step 6: Add RigidBody components to objects 

Step 7: Duplicate and position the obstacles

Lesson 1.3 High Speed Chase

Step 1: Add a speed variable for our vehicle 

Step 2: Create a new script for the camera 

Step 3: Add an offset to the camera position 

Step 4: Make the offset into a Vector3 variable 

Step 5: Smooth the Camera with LateUpdate 

Step 6: Edit the playmode tint color 

Lesson 1.4 Step into the Driver’s Seat

Step 1: Allow the vehicle to move left/right 

Step 2: Base left/right movement on input 

Step 3: Take control of the vehicle speed 

Step 4: Make vehicle rotate instead of slide 

Step 5: Clean our code and hierarchy

Unit 2 - Basic Gameplay (Feed the Animals Prototype)

Lesson 2.1 Player Positioning 

Step 1: Create a new Project for Prototype 2 Step 2: Add the Player, Animals, and Food

Step 3: Get the user’s horizontal input 

Step 4: Move the player left-to-right

Step 5: Keep the player inbounds

Step 6: Clean up your code and variables

Lesson 2.2 Food Flight 

Step 1: Make the projectile fly forwards 

Step 2: Make the projectile into a prefab 

Step 3: Test for spacebar press

Step 4: Launch projectile on spacebar press 

Step 5: Make animals into prefabs

Step 6: Destroy projectiles offscreen 

Step 7: Destroy animals offscreen

Lesson 2.3 Random Animal Stampede 

Step 1: Create a spawn manager

Step 2: Spawn an animal if S is pressed 

Step 3: Spawn random animals from array 

Step 4: Randomize the spawn location

Step 5: Change the perspective of the camera

Lesson 2.4 Collision Decisions

Step 1: Make a new method to spawn animals 

Step 2: Spawn the animals at timed intervals 

Step 3: Add collider and trigger components

Step 4: Destroy objects on collision

Step 5: Trigger a ”Game Over” message

Unit 3 - Animation, Sound, & Effects (Run and Jump Prototype)

Lesson 3.1 Jump Force 

Step 1: Open prototype and change background

Step 2: Choose and set up a player character

Step 3: Make player jump at start

Step 4: Make player jump if spacebar pressed 

Step 5: Tweak the jump force and gravity

Step 6: Prevent player from double-jumping 

Step 7: Make an obstacle and move it left 

Step 8: Create a spawn manager

Step 9: Spawn obstacles at intervals

Lesson 3.2 Make the World Whiz By

Step 1: Create a script to repeat background 

Step 2: Reset position of background

Step 3: Fix background repeat with collider 

Step 4: Add a new game over trigger

Step 5: Stop MoveLeft on gameOver

Step 6: Stop obstacle spawning on gameOver

Step 7: Destroy obstacles that exit bounds

Lesson 3.3 Don’t Just Stand There 

Step 1: Explore the player’s animations 

Step 2: Make the player start off at a run 

Step 3: Set up a jump animation

Step 4: Adjust the jump animation 

Step 5: Set up a falling animation

Step 6: Keep player from unconscious jumping

Lesson 3.4 Particles and Sound Effects

Step 1: Customize an explosion particle 

Step 2: Play the particle on collision

Step 3: Add a dirt splatter particle

Step 4: Add music to the camera object 

Step 5: Declare variables for Audio Clips

Step 6: Play Audio Clips on jump and crash

Unit 4 - Gameplay Mechanics (Sumo Battle Prototype)

Lesson 4.1 Watch Where You’re Going 

Step 1: Create project and open scene

Step 2: Set up the player and add a texture 

Step 3: Create a focal point for the camera 

Step 4: Rotate the focal point by user input 

Step 5: Add forward force to the player

Step 6: Move in direction of focal point

Lesson 4.2 Follow the Player 

Step 1: Add an enemy and a physics material 

Step 2: Create enemy script to follow player 

Step 3: Create a lookDirection variable

Step 4: Create a Spawn Manager for the enemy 

Step 5: Randomly generate spawn position

Step 6: Make a method return a spawn point

Lesson 4.3 PowerUp and CountDown

Step 1: Choose and prepare a powerup 

Step 2: Destroy powerup on collision

Step 3: Test for collision with a powerup

Step 4: Apply extra knockback with powerup

Step 5: Create Countdown Routine for powerup 

Step 6: Add a powerup indicator

Lesson 4.4 For-Loops For Waves 

Step 1: Write a for-loop to spawn 3 enemies 

Step 2: Give the for-loop a parameter

Step 3: Destroy enemies if they fall off 

Step 4: Increase enemyCount with waves 

Step 5: Spawn Powerups with new waves

Unit 5 - User Interface (Quick Click Prototype)Lesson 5.1 Clicky Mouse

Step 1: Create project and switch to 2D view 

Step 2: Create good and bad targets

Step 3: Toss objects randomly in the air

Step 4: Replace messy code with new methods 

Step 5: Create object list in Game Manager

Step 6: Create a coroutine to spawn objects 

Step 7: Destroy target with click and sensor

Lesson 5.2 Keeping Score

Step 1: Add Score text position it on screen 

Step 2: Edit the Score Text’s properties 

Step 3: Initialize score text and variable

Step 4: Create a new UpdateScore method

Step 5: Add score when targets are destroyed 

Step 6: Assign a point value to each target

Step 7: Add a Particle explosion

Lesson 5.3 Game Over 

Step 1: Create a Game Over text object

Step 2: Make GameOver text appear

Step 3: Create GameOver function

Step 4: Stop spawning and score on GameOver 

Step 5: Add a Restart button

Step 6: Make the restart button work

Step 7: Show restart button on game over

Lesson 5.4 What’s the Difficulty?

Step 1: Create Title text and menu buttons 

Step 2: Add a DificultyButton script

Step 3: Call SetDificulty on button click

Step 4: Make your buttons start the game

Step5: Deactivate Title Screen on StartGame 

Step 6: Use a parameter to change dificulty

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  • Samir Abbasov

    Game Development

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