Java OCA

Dərslər həftədə 2 dəfə,hər dərs 2 saat olmaqla tədris olunur. Kursu bitirən şəxslər sertifikatla təmin olunur.

Kurs Haqqında

Backend Syllabus

Java Fundamentals (24 Lessons)

  1. Introduction to Java
    • History, JVM, JDK, and Hello World.
  2. Primitive Data Types and Variables
    • intdoubleboolean, variable declaration, and scope.
  3. Operators and Expressions
    • Arithmetic, relational, logical, and bitwise operators.
  4. Control Flow Statements
    • if-elseswitch-case, and ternary operator.
  5. Loops and Iteration
    • forwhiledo-while, and loop control (breakcontinue).
  6. Arrays and Array Manipulation
    • 1D/2D arrays, Arrays utility class, and varargs.
  7. String Handling
    • StringStringBuilderStringBuffer, and immutability.
  8. OOP Basics: Classes, Objects, and Records
    • Class syntax, object creation, record types (immutable data carriers).
  9. Methods, Constructors, and Initialization
    • Method overloading, constructors, static/instance initializer blocks.
  10. Inheritance and Polymorphism
    • extends, method overriding, super, and runtime polymorphism.
  11. Abstraction classes
    • abstract classes and sealed classes.
  12. Encapsulation and Access Control
    • Packages, import, access modifiers (publicprivateprotected).
  13. Interface
    • Iterface default/static methods,
  14. Exception Handling
    • try-catch-finally
  15. Exception Handling
    • Custom exceptions and try-with-resources.
  16. Generics: Basics and Type Parameters
    • Generic classes, methods, and bounded types.
  17. Advanced Generics
    • Wildcards (?? extends T? super T), type erasure, and limitations.
  18. Collections Framework: Lists and Sets
    • ArrayListLinkedListHashSetLinkedHashSet, and iteration.
  19. Collections Framework: Maps and Ordering
    • HashMapLinkedHashMapTreeMap, and Comparator vs. Comparable.
  20. Collections Utilities
    • Sorting, searching, Collections class, and iterator patterns.
  21. Multithreading Fundamentals
    • Thread class, Runnable, thread lifecycle, and basic synchronization.
  22. File I/O: Basics
    • FileFileReaderFileWriter, and exception handling.
  23. File I/O: Streams and Advanced Handling
    • Byte streams (InputStreamOutputStream), character streams (ReaderWriter).
  24. Functional Programming with Lambdas
    • Lambda syntax, @FunctionalInterface, and method references.
  25. Streams API: Foundations
    • Stream creation, mapfiltercollect, and terminal operations.
  26. Advanced Streams and Parallel Processing
    • reducegroupingBy, parallel streams, and performance considerations.

SQL with PostgreSQL (4 Lessons)

  1. Introduction to PostgreSQL and Basic SQL
    • PostgreSQL installation, psql CLI, and GUI tools (pgAdmin).
    • Data types (VARCHARINTDATE), and table creation (CREATE TABLE).
  2. Advanced Querying: Joins and Aggregation
    • AggregationGROUP BYHAVING, and functions (SUMAVGCOUNT).
    • Subqueries: Nested queries, EXISTS, and IN clauses.
  3. Database Design and Optimization
    • Normalization: 1NF, 2NF, 3NF, and denormalization trade-offs.
    • IndexesCREATE INDEX, B-tree vs. Hash indexes, query optimization.
    • TransactionsBEGINCOMMITROLLBACK, and ACID properties.
  4. JDBC: Connecting Java to PostgreSQL
    • JDBC architecture, DriverManager, and connection strings.
    • Executing queries (StatementPreparedStatement), handling ResultSet.
    • Connection pooling basics (HikariCP) and best practices.

Git & Version Control (2 Lessons)

  1. Git Fundamentals and Local Workflow
    • Core Concepts: Repositories, commits, staging (git add), and .gitignore.
    • Branchinggit branchgit checkout, and branch lifecycle.
    • Remote Repositoriesgit remotegit push/pull, GitHub/GitLab setup.
    • Tools: VS Code Git integration, CLI basics, and GUIs (Sourcetree).
  2. Team Collaboration with Git
    • Merge Conflicts: Identification, resolution, and git mergetool.
    • Pull Requests: Creating, reviewing, and merging PRs on GitHub.
    • Workflows: Centralized vs. Feature Branch vs. GitHub Flow.
    • Best Practices: Atomic commits, meaningful messages, and rebasing vs. merging.

Spring Framework (4 Lessons)

  1. Spring Core: IoC, DI, and Annotations
    • Inversion of Control (IoC), Dependency Injection (DI).
    • Stereotype annotations: @Component@Service@Repository@Autowired.
  2. Spring Configuration and Profiles
    • Java-based configuration (@Configuration@Bean).
    • Property files (@PropertySource), environment profiles (@Profile).
  3. Bean Lifecycle and Scopes
    • @PostConstruct@PreDestroy, bean scopes (singletonprototype).
    • BeanFactory vs. ApplicationContext.
  4. Spring AOP Basics
    • Aspect-Oriented Programming concepts (logging, transactions).
    • @Aspect@Before@After@Around advice.

HTTP & Web Fundamentals (1 Lesson)

(Added as a bridge between Spring Framework and Spring Boot)

  • How the Web Works
    • HTTP protocol, request-response cycle, IP, and ports.
    • HTTP methods (GETPOSTPUTDELETE), status codes (200, 404, 500).
    • Headers, cookies, and statelessness.\

Spring Boot (4 Lessons)

  1. Spring Boot Fundamentals
    • Starters, auto-configuration, @SpringBootApplication, embedded servers.
    • Configuration with, profiles (devprod).
    • Actuator basics: Health checks, metrics, and custom endpoints.
  2. RESTful APIs with Validation & Database Integration
    • @RestController@GetMapping/@PostMapping, JSON serialization.
    • Input validation (@Valid@Size), exception handling (@ControllerAdvice).
    • PostgreSQL setup with Spring Data JPA, HikariCP connection pooling.
  3. API Consumption with RestTemplate
    • HTTP client fundamentals, GET/POST requests.
    • Error handling, retries, headers, and authentication.
  4. Declarative REST Clients with Feign
    • Feign setup, interface-based API definitions.
    • Customization (logging, error decoders), basic request/response handling.

Spring Data JPA (5 Lessons)

  1. JPA Entities & Mapping
    • @Entity@Table@Id@GeneratedValue@Column.
  2. Repositories & Query Methods
    • CrudRepositoryJpaRepository, derived queries (e.g., findByEmail).
  3. Custom Queries
    • JPQL (@Query), native SQL queries, and parameter binding.
  4. Entity Relationships
    • @OneToMany@ManyToOne@JoinColumn, bidirectional mappings.
  5. Transactions & Optimizations
    • @Transactional, isolation levels, read-only transactions.

Spring Security (3 Lessons)

  1. Authentication & Authorization Basics
    • Security filters, in-memory/user-details authentication.
    • Role-based access control (hasRolehasAuthority).
  2. JWT Integration
    • Token generation/validation, JwtFilter, signing keys.
  3. Securing REST APIs
    • CSRF/CORS configuration, method-level security (@PreAuthorize).

Testing (2 Lessons)

  1. Unit Testing Basics with JUnit 5
    • Writing tests for services, repositories, and controllers.
    • Assertions (assertEqualsassertThrows), test lifecycle (@BeforeEach@AfterEach).
    • Basic mocking with Mockito (@Mock@InjectMocks).
  2. Advanced Unit Testing & Coverage
    • Mocking complex dependencies (e.g., REST clients, databases).
    • Parameterized tests (@ParameterizedTest).
    • Test coverage with JaCoCo, edge case testing.

Docker (2 Lessons)

  1. Docker Fundamentals
    • Containers vs. images, Docker CLI (buildrunlogs).
    • Dockerfile for Spring Boot apps, multi-stage builds.
  2. Docker Compose & Networking
    • Defining services in docker-compose.yml.
    • Running Spring Boot + PostgreSQL together.
    • Environment variables and volume mounts.

Cloud Deployment (1 Lesson)

  1. Deploying to AWS/Heroku
    • Deploying Dockerized apps to AWS EC2/Heroku.
    • Configuring production databases (RDS/Heroku Postgres).
    • Monitoring with Actuator and logging.

Final Project (2 Lessons)

  1. Project Setup & Core Implementation
    • Requirements, architecture design, Git setup.
    • Building REST APIs with Spring Boot, JPA, and security.
  2. Deployment & Final Demo
    • Dockerizing the app, deploying to the cloud.
    • Demo with Postman/Swagger documentation.

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