PL/SQL təlimi

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Oracle 1Z0-149 Exam Details:

Exam Name Oracle Database Program with PL/SQL

Exam Code 1Z0-149

Exam Price USD $245 (Pricing may vary by country or by localized currency)

Duration 90 minutes

Number of Questions 65

Passing Score 66%

Format Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ)

Recommended Training Earn the Oracle Database PL/SQL Developer Certified Professional Credential

Schedule Exam Buy Oracle Training and Certification

Sample Questions Oracle Database PL/SQL Developer Certified Professional (OCP)

Recommended Practice 1Z0-149 Online Practice Exam

Oracle 1Z0-149 Syllabus Topics:

Declaring PL/SQL Variables - Recognize valid and invalid identifiers

- List the uses of variables, declare and initialize variables, use bind variables

- List and describe various data types using the %TYPE and %ROWTYPE attributes

Writing Executable Statements - Identify lexical units in a PL/SQL block

- Use built-in SQL functions in PL/SQL and sequences in PL/SQL expressions

- Describe when implicit conversions take place and when explicit conversions have to be dealt with

- Write nested blocks and qualify variables with labels

- Write readable code with appropriate indentation

Writing SQL in PL/SQL - Create PL/SQL executable blocks using DML and transaction control statements

- Make use of the INTO clause to hold the values returned by a SQL statement

Writing Control Structures - Identify the uses and types of control structures (IF, CASE statements and expressions)

- Construct and identify loop statements

- Use EXIT and CONTINUE statements inside loops

Working with Composite Data Types - Create user-defined PL/SQL records

- Create a record with the %ROWTYPE attribute

- Create an INDEX BY table and INDEX BY table of records

- Describe the differences among records, collections, and collections of records

- Initialize collections and records

Using Explicit Cursors - Distinguish between implicit and explicit cursors and use SQL cursor attributes

- Declare and control explicit cursors, use simple loops and cursor FOR loops to fetch data

- Declare and use cursors with parameters

- Lock rows with the FOR UPDATE clause and reference the current row with the WHERE CURRENT OF clause

Handling Exceptions - Define PL/SQL exceptions

- Recognize unhandled exceptions

- Handle different types of exceptions (internally defined exceptions, predefined exceptions and user-defined exceptions)

- Propagate exceptions

Using PL/SQL Subprograms - Differentiate between anonymous blocks and subprograms

- Create a simple procedure and invoke it from an anonymous block

- Identify benefits of subprograms

Creating Procedures and Using Parameters - Create a procedure with parameterrs

- Use named notation

- Work with procedures (create, invoke and remove procedures)

- Handle exceptions in procedures and display a procedure's information

Creating Functions - Differentiate between a procedure and a function

- Describe the uses of functions

- Work with functions (create, invoke and remove functions)

Creating Packages - Identify the benefits and the components of packages

- Work with packages (create package specification and body, invoke package subprograms, remove a package and display package information)

- Overload package subprograms and use forward declarations

Working with Packages - Use package types and variables

- Use packaged constants and functions in SQL

- Use ACCESSIBLE BY to restrict access to package subprograms

Using Dynamic SQL - Describe the execution flow of SQL statements

- Use Native Dynamic SQL (NDS)

- Bind PL/SQL types in SQL statements

Design Considerations for PL/SQL Code - Create standard constants and exceptions

- Write and call local subprograms

- Control the run-time privileges of a subprogram

- Perform autonomous transactions


- Use bulk binding and the RETURNING clause with DML

Creating Compound, DDL, and Event Database Triggers - Create triggers on DDL statements

- Create triggers on system events

- Describe different types of triggers and their uses

Using the PL/SQL Compiler - Describe the PL/SQL compiler and features

- Use the PL/SQL compiler initialization parameters

- Use the PL/SQL compile time warnings

Managing PL/SQL Code - Describe and use conditional compilation

- Code-based access control: granting roles to program units

- Whitelist code access with the ACCESSIBLE BY clause

- Mark code as deprecated

Managing Dependencies - Track and manage procedural dependencies

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